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Resumption of Local 514 Bargaining

On November 30, 2022, the British Columbia Maritime Employers Association provided Notice to Commence Collective Bargaining (“Notice”) to the International Longshore and Warehouse Union Canada (ILWU) and ILWU Local 514 to renew Collective Agreements between the parties. 

Joint ILWU Canada and BCMEA News Release

On November 30, 2022, the British Columbia Maritime Employers Association provided Notice to Commence Collective Bargaining (“Notice”) to the International Longshore and Warehouse Union Canada (ILWU) and ILWU Local 514 to renew Collective Agreements between the parties. 

Tentative deal to go to ILWU membership for ratification vote next week

On November 30, 2022, the British Columbia Maritime Employers Association provided Notice to Commence Collective Bargaining (“Notice”) to the International Longshore and Warehouse Union Canada (ILWU) and ILWU Local 514 to renew Collective Agreements between the parties. 

ILWU Canada doubles down, serves second 72-hour strike notice

On November 30, 2022, the British Columbia Maritime Employers Association provided Notice to Commence Collective Bargaining (“Notice”) to the International Longshore and Warehouse Union Canada (ILWU) and ILWU Local 514 to renew Collective Agreements between the parties.