ILWU Canada doubles down, serves second 72-hour strike notice
After the Canada Industrial Relations Board ruled the current labour disruption as illegal, ILWU Canada Leadership and their locals are doubling down on holding the Canadian economy hostage and have provided 72-hour notice of renewed strike action to the BCMEA and its member employers, effective July 22, 2023 at or about 09:00 am PT in British Columbia.
This strike notice and potential strike action will not impact employees required to service grain vessels in accordance with Section 87.7 (1) of the Canada Labour Code. It is our intention that cruise vessels will also be serviced.
The re-issuance of strike notice shows that we will be facing a repeat of actions by the ILWU Leadership that will continue to grind operations to a halt at Canada’s largest ports.
The economy, businesses, and Canadians cannot withstand another unnecessary and reckless labour disruption by ILWU. It has been 22 days since the Union gave their first 72-hour notice and signaled their intentions to disrupt Canada’s West Coast ports. Since then, they have caused immense damage to Canada’s trading reputation and disrupted at least $10 billion worth of cargo alone.
There is a fair and balanced deal on the table that was presented by a third-party mediator, that is reflective of both the employer and the union’s positions over five months of negotiations and mediation. This deal would allow ILWU workers to receive a compounded 19.2% wage increase over four years which would result in the median ILWU income moving from $136,000 to $162,000, not including benefits and pension. The proposed wage increase is well and above industry average standards and yet, ILWU Leadership deemed it not enough.
The proposed deal also provides an 18.5% increase in their M&M retirement lump sum payment in addition to their enhanced pension, increased tool allowances and benefits contributions.
BCMEA employer members are proud to provide well-paying family-supporting jobs for B.C. longshore workers. Over the course of the past 13 years, longshore wages have risen by 40%, ahead of inflation at 30%. ILWU Canada member wages have increased by approximately 10% in the past three years since the COVID-19 pandemic began.
It is time to restore stability to Canada’s largest trading gateway. In an affordability crisis, Canadians and those that rely on our goods and exports cannot afford to wait any longer.
Last updated: July 19, 2023, 10:56 am PT