Local 514 Bargaining Update
Parties Meet with Support of FMCS, BCMEA Tables Final Offer in Effort to Conclude Negotiations
The BC Maritime Employers Association (BCMEA) and International Longshore and Warehouse Union Local 514 (ILWU Local 514) met this week with support of the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS).
Yesterday, the BCMEA provided a final offer to ILWU Local 514 in a sincere commitment to conclude negotiations in a manner that serves the best interests of both Parties and Canadians alike. The final offer provides a fair agreement without requiring concessions from ILWU Local 514 and covers all matters remaining in dispute. If accepted, this competitive deal will provide all ILWU Local 514 members with significant gains in wages, benefits and a signing bonus paid out by mid-December. The BCMEA and ILWU Local 514 have been engaged in bargaining for nearly two years to renew their collective agreement that expired in March 2023.
The BCMEA members are proud to provide family-supporting jobs with powerful pay cheques in B.C. Over the past 13 years, wages for ILWU Local 514 members have grown by 47%, surpassing inflation, which increased by 38% in the same period. In 2022, median ILWU Local 514 foreperson earnings were $246,323 before benefits, with the highest earning foreperson making $466,654 before benefits.
The BCMEA’s members continue to make significant investments in new technology and innovation to improve Canada’s supply chain reliability, enhance safety and environmental performance, attract more cargo and ultimately create more well-paying waterfront jobs. As such, B.C.’s waterfront workforce continues to grow, with foreperson jobs increasing by 73% – 307 net new foreperson jobs – since 2010. There have been 214 new forepersons recruited since 2020, with more recruitments underway and forecasted for the future.
The BCMEA truly believes this final offer can help both Parties conclude negotiations in a manner that serves the best interest of the 730 hardworking forepersons and for their families, while also ensuring West Coast ports remain reliable, competitive, and affordable for all Canadians.
We will provide updates as the situation develops.
Last updated: October 31, 2024, 1:00 PM PT