Local 514 Bargaining Update
ILWU Local 514 Serves Industry Wide 72-Hour Strike Notice to All BCMEA Member Companies, Effective 08:00 AM PT, Monday, November 4, 2024
The International Longshore and Warehouse Union Ship & Dock Foremen Local 514 (ILWU Local 514) have provided formal, written 72-hour notice of intended industry wide strike action against all BCMEA member companies, commencing on Monday, November 4 at or about 08:00 AM PT.
The BCMEA is deeply disappointed with ILWU Local 514’s decision to once again throw Canada’s supply chain into uncertainty and instability. ILWU Local 514’s strike action will have repercussions across B.C.’s waterfront operations, and strike activity can easily escalate, including a complete withdrawal of labour without notice. This escalation follows months of labour instability across rail, air, grain and port sectors and compounds Canada’s growing reputation as an unreliable trading partner. This level of uncertainty and chaos is untenable for the waterfront industry and Canada’s supply chain.
On Wednesday, the BCMEA provided a final offer to ILWU Local 514 in a sincere commitment to conclude negotiations in a manner that serves the best interests of both Parties and Canadians alike. The final offer provides a fair agreement without requiring concessions from ILWU Local 514 and covers all matters remaining in dispute. If accepted, this competitive deal will provide all ILWU Local 514 members with significant gains in wages, benefits and a signing bonus paid out by mid-December. The BCMEA and ILWU Local 514 have been engaged in bargaining for nearly two years to renew their collective agreement that expired in March 2023.
ILWU Local 514’s second strike notice follows a needlessly tumultuous strike attempt in July 2024, where shortly after the Canada Industrial Relations Board (CIRB) hearing began, ILWU Local 514 chose to issue strike notice to DP World (Canada) Inc. The CIRB found that the union strike vote and strike notice constituted ILWU Local 514 bargaining in bad faith, and was therefore illegal. In total, the CIRB has determined that ILWU Local 514 has bargained in bad faith on three occasions during this round of bargaining.
The reliability of Canada’s West Coast ports and the nation’s supply chain are critically important to the BCMEA, our members and to all Canadians. The BCMEA has advanced proposals in good faith to reach a balanced agreement that is beneficial for the 730 hardworking forepersons and for their families, while also ensuring West Coast ports remain reliable, competitive, and affordable for all Canadians.
Despite ILWU Local 514’s regrettable escalation, the BCMEA’s competitive and balanced offer that can help both Parties conclude negotiations in a manner that serves the best interest of the waterfront workforce and industry remains open for acceptance.
The BCMEA and its members will be considering next steps. We will continue to provide further updates as the situation develops.
Last updated: October 31, 2024, 4:00 PM PT