BCMEA Negotiations Updates
Minister of Labour Orders End to Labour Disruption at Ports; Imposes Binding Arbitration
This morning at 10 am ET, Labour Minister Steven MacKinnon announced he will use his powers under Section 107 of the Canada Labour Code and direct the Canada Industrial Relations Board (CIRB) to order Parties at ports in Quebec and across Canada’s West Coast to resume operations and duties, and to impose binding arbitration on the Parties in order to reach a settlement.
The BCMEA intends to follow direction received from the CIRB and will inform member employers of operational updates as soon as possible.
We look forward to safely resuming operations across Canada’s West Coast Ports. The BCMEA and its members are committed to working to strengthen Canada’s reputation as a trusted trading partner and rebuilding labour stability for the long-term.
Moving over $800 million of cargo a day, Canada’s West Coast Ports are integral to our supply chain, trading relationships, economy and ultimately the lives of all Canadians.
We will continue to provide updates as necessary.
Last updated: November 12, 2024, 10:00 AM PT